Ez labaintzeko oinarria duen grapagailua, grapa-kentzaile integratua eta karga-mekanismo sinplea. Grapagailuaren diseinu sinpleak sentsazio sendoa ematen dio, eta eroso erabiltzen da. Edukiera: 18 orri Grapak: 24/6 eta 26/6 Neurriak: 13x6x3.5cm Pisua: 210g
All in one wallet for the next shopping trip: Credit and bank cards, personal IDs and membership cards all conveniently fit into this sturdy foldable card wallet. The small wallet packs a punch with 8 card compartments and matches our shoppers with pouch. Beautiful detail: Just like our bags, the open edges and seams of the card cases sport a contrasting colour.
Product details:
Card case with 8
Neurria: 15 zm-ko diametroa
circle pocket with ykk zip closure, the diameter is 15 cm. it has black synthetic jersey lining inside and 3mm neoprene glued to external fabric