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  • Kategoriak: REVISTAS
  • Kategoriak: PAKETATZEA
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  • Kategoriak: ELEKTRONIKA
Availability: 10 In Stock
Behi-larruaren bilduma osoa, jostura bikoitzarekin eta kirol-diseinuarekin. Attack2 SLGk estilo konbinatu handia eskaintzen du, funtzionaltasun tradizionalarekin eta aurrealdeko logo erakargarriarekin konbinatuta. Kartera 2 billete Kreditu-txartelerako zirrikitua 6 zirrikitu kreditu-txartelerako Konpartimentua 2 konpartsakide Diru-zorroa Bai RFID Bai


Regular price 19,75 € Price 13,95 € -5,80 €
Availability: Out of stock
The original is back in cotton as a "limited edition" Still in leather and back in cotton as the first model. The wallet is a hand made product, including 10 plastic pockets with perfect fit for bank- or membership cards and the inside pocket leaves space for notes, receipts or business cards. The wallet is easy to close with a simple button. LxHxW: 10x2x7 cm Weigth: 56g Material: Leather o
Availability: 4 In Stock
Bilbo: Muelle Marzana, Paseando por Bilbao , Puerto viejo, SAn Mamés junto a la ría, Donostia: Atardecer junto al puente, La Concha, Paseando por la Concha, Toldos en la Concha, Zubia Bermeo Gaztelugatxe Mundaka Anbotoko Dama Mirando al Anboto


Price 16,90 €
Availability: 1 In Stock
All in one wallet for the next shopping trip: Credit and bank cards, personal IDs and membership cards all conveniently fit into this sturdy foldable card wallet. The small wallet packs a punch with 8 card compartments and matches our shoppers with pouch. Beautiful detail: Just like our bags, the open edges and seams of the card cases sport a contrasting colour. Product details: Card case with 8
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