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Availability: 3 In Stock
Boutonniere is a simple but powerful item, thanks to its simplicity it can change a whole look. Napkin wants to recover and reinterpret this symbol of style, creating the first writing accessory to wear. Designed by Sergio Mori , thanks to the elegance of its metal body and its Ethergraf tip, that does not stain fabrics , BOUTONNIERE is an accessory designed to make its mark on every occasion .
Availability: Out of stock
OHTO es innovación, aporta calidad y es la historia de los bolígrafos. Bolígrafo Punta de Aguja colección "Horizon" Color: Azul Claro Tinta: Negra Material: Aluminio Peso: 16,7 gr. Medidas producto: Diámetro 1,12 x 13,6 cm.
Availability: 5 In Stock
Pen UNO is a sleek and super minimal all-aluminum pen available in different colors like space grey, gold, rose gold, red and black. It uses the Hi-Tec C Coleto gel ink cartridge which is widely available in a variety of colors and lineweights. With only 5.3 mm in diameter, Pen UNO is one of the thinnest pens in production. The grip section is wider for a very comfortable writing experience and
  • Ordainketa segurua Txartelaren ordainketa ingurune seguru batean.
    Ordainketa segurua
    Txartelaren ordainketa ingurune seguru batean.
  • Garraioa eta bidalketa Tarifa eta garraio desberdinak, zure beharretara egokitzen direnak.
    Garraioa eta bidalketa
    Tarifa eta garraio desberdinak, zure beharretara egokitzen direnak.
  • Itzulera zerbitzua  7 eguneko epea duzu produktua itzultzeko.
    Itzulera zerbitzua
    7 eguneko epea duzu produktua itzultzeko.