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Price 50,00 €
Availability: 2 In Stock
Your ideas. Your thoughts. Your days. Your book. The daily companion for all and everything! Our new DailyBook is a diary, organizer and sketch book in one. The four booklets – a sketch book, a diary, a calendar that can be written on, as well as a 4-year overview that includes a global map – offer the perfect space to record your daily thoughts, ideas, experiences and appointments. And not only
Availability: 2 In Stock
"Smart Notebook con papel Ncoded diseñado para ser utilizado con el Smart Pen esquinas redondeadas, cierre elástico y cinta marcapáginas a juego, papel de 100 g/m² de color marfil y libre de ácido: a rayas. Mensaje «en caso de pérdida» impreso en la guarda, bolsillo interior extensible en la parte posterior, se mantiene totalmente abierta a 180° " Smart Pen 1 recambio de tinta Cargador magnético
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    Ordainketa segurua
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    Garraioa eta bidalketa
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  • Itzulera zerbitzua  7 eguneko epea duzu produktua itzultzeko.
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