OHTO es innovación, aporta calidad y es la historia de los bolígrafos.
Bolígrafo Punta de Aguja colección "Horizon"
Color: Azul Claro
Tinta: Negra
Material: Aluminio
Peso: 16,7 gr.
Medidas producto: Diámetro 1,12 x 13,6 cm.
PEPIN® origami books contains 96 beautifully designed origami sheets that can be easily removed. Included are a few folding diagrams.
96 high quality origami sheets, 12 designs (8 sheets each), special finishes, printed with soy-based ink.
A total of 480 colourfully designed sticky notes in three different sizes will act as pretty little helpers and reminders in your everyday work.
Product Details:
Material: self-adhesive paper
Booklet dimensions: 18 cm x 13 cm x 0.7 cm (L × W × H)
Produktuaren xehetasunak:
4ko multzoak, pilagarriak, multzo bakoitza estalki batekin dator
Materiala: eztainu inprimatua, elikagaietarako asegurua, ontzi-garbigailurako egokia ez dena
Neurriak: 4: 22,1 cm-ko altuera, 8,2 cm-ko diametroa