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  • Kategoriak: MOTXILAK
  • Kategoriak: IDAZTEKOAK
  • Kategoriak: ELEKTRONIKA
  • Kategoriak: IZIPIZI GAFAS
Availability: 2 In Stock
DESCRIPTION The "small" one, hides endless possibilities. Here it is Cuban : its innovative and ergonomic shape will surprise you from the very first use. Dynamism and flexibility are the concepts that inspired the creation of this instrument, which, thanks to the Ethergraf tip, requires no ink or refills . Cuban was designed by Sergio Mori and handmade in Italy with fine wood recovery. DETAILS
Availability: 5 In Stock
Pen UNO is a sleek and super minimal all-aluminum pen available in different colors like space grey, gold, rose gold, red and black. It uses the Hi-Tec C Coleto gel ink cartridge which is widely available in a variety of colors and lineweights. With only 5.3 mm in diameter, Pen UNO is one of the thinnest pens in production. The grip section is wider for a very comfortable writing experience and
Availability: 111 In Stock
Bolígrafo SWAY Combi Duo con dos puntas fácilmente intercambiables gracias a su sitema rotatorio. 5 bolígrafos de doble punta con 10 colores de tinta disponibles (cuerpo del mismo color que la tinta). La gama completa permite hacer hasta 25 combinaciones distintas. Longitud de escritura aproximada de 650 metros. Punta 1 mm. Diseño original creado por el departamento de I+D de MILAN. Medidas bolígr
Availability: Out of stock
Bluetooth speaker eramangarria Produktuen xehetasunak: 3 izendapen desberdin, eskuzko jarraibideak eta mikro kablea USB (50 cm, mains plug gabe) barne Up to 10 hours of playback time, charging time approx. 2 ordu, kable- free connection approx-en rangea. 10 m, mikro USB konektorea, Bluetooth V5.0 bertsioa, Frequency range: 60 Hz-18kHz, 5 V / 800 m-ko input-a Materiala: Plastikoa, sintetikoa Neurri
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    Ordainketa segurua
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    Garraioa eta bidalketa
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    Itzulera zerbitzua
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