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Availability: Out of stock
A Caran d'Ache ballpoint pen to suit your style! The Claim Your Style collection offers six brightly couloured models. This limited edition collection offers everyone an opportunity to choose a Caran d'Ache pen that reflects his or her individual style and personality. Write up your travel memoirs, sketch out a new fashion collection, record your thoughts and ideas - the possibilities are endless!
Availability: Out of stock
ESCRITURA INSTRUMENTO VERSIÓN Lápiz mecánico Longitud: 131 mm y diámetro: 8 mm PEN BODY Cuerpo de latón hexagonal, acabado dorado Guillochage de diamantes Diseño invertido en forma de V Pulsador dorado y clip flexible dorado Caran d’Ache logo grabado láser en el pulsador Borrador reemplazable colocado bajo el botón push CARTUCHOS DE TINTA Y RECARGAS Equipado con un plomo de grafito de 0,7 mm Rec
Availability: 1 In Stock
Genetika eta Biomedikuntzari buruzko hainbat lege - Selección de leyes sobre Genética y Biomedicina Escajedo San Epifanio, Leire; Gorrotxategi Azurmendi, Miren (koor.) Zabala Oiartzabal, Karlos (itz.); Igerabide Sarasola, Juan Kruz; Leturia Navaroa, Ana (koor.). Materia: Derecho genómico; Genética Páginas: 592 Fecha de edición: 2015 ISBN/ISSN: 978-84-9082-237-1 Idioma: Euskara; castellano Tipo de
Availability: 2 In Stock
DESCRIPTION The "small" one, hides endless possibilities. Here it is Cuban : its innovative and ergonomic shape will surprise you from the very first use. Dynamism and flexibility are the concepts that inspired the creation of this instrument, which, thanks to the Ethergraf tip, requires no ink or refills . Cuban was designed by Sergio Mori and handmade in Italy with fine wood recovery. DETAILS
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