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Regular price 19,75 € Price 13,95 € -5,80 €
Availability: Out of stock
The original is back in cotton as a "limited edition" Still in leather and back in cotton as the first model. The wallet is a hand made product, including 10 plastic pockets with perfect fit for bank- or membership cards and the inside pocket leaves space for notes, receipts or business cards. The wallet is easy to close with a simple button. LxHxW: 10x2x7 cm Weigth: 56g Material: Leather o
Availability: Out of stock
La justicia en la era de la globalización. Una aproximación desde diferentes ramas del Derecho Nicolás Jiménez, Pilar; Hernández Díaz, Leyre (dirs.) Materia: Derecho público; Economía Páginas: 344 Fecha de edición: 2018 ISBN/ISSN: 978-84-9082-895-3 Idioma: Castellano
Availability: 1 In Stock
El reto de liderar equipos de innovación en PYMES Martínez-Moreno, Edurne; Agirre Zabaleku, Olaia; Navascués Esteban, Maribel; Gómez Gerbolés, Olga Ikertuz Materia: Psicología social; Trabajo Páginas: 223 Fecha de edición: 2018 ISBN/ISSN: 978-84-9082-913-4 Idioma: Castellano Tipo de edición: Rústica


Price 29,30 €
Availability: 1 In Stock
The envelope sized all-rounder for travelling Whether it’s your plane ticket, train tickets, hotel vouchers or city maps - there are always important travel documents which, in addition to credit cards, cash, and your mobile phone, simply have to be within reach when you’re out and about. This is exactly why we are now offering the new travel organiser from REMEMBER® The handy form is stitched f
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    Itzulera zerbitzua
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