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Availability: Out of stock
Lipstick, a toothbrush, and clean underwear.
Passport, camera, and warm socks. Cellphone, wallet, and keys.
Each new adventure calls for its own set of tools. Pack small and go big with the LOQI zip pocket collection series.
Availability: 5 In Stock
Neurriak: 30 x 21 zm
Kremailera: 27 zm
multi use zip pouche, YKK zip closure, black synthetic jersey lining inside, 3mm neoprene glued to external fabric
Availability: Out of stock
Tin box set
Three sizes, three designs, one set
If you’re looking for beautiful storage options, you’ll love these new tin box sets. Whether it’s for biscuits, sweets, love letters or photos, everything can be stored away wonderfully here!
Large tin: 23.3 x 23.3 x 12.2 cm
Medium tin: 17.7 x 17.7 x 10.2 cm
Small tin: 11.4 x 11.4 x 7.9 cm
Availability: 14 In Stock
Doble pared aislada al vacio.
12 horas calor, 24 frío, no condensación.
Libre de BPA.
No retiene olores ni sabores.
Ligera y hermética.
Availability: 8 In Stock
Erretilu koloretsua, estaldura distiratsu inprimatuarekin.
Produktuaren xehetasunak:
Materiala: Melamina
Neurriak: W 33 x D 22.5 x H 2 cm
Gustu eta aukera bakoitzerako diseinu egokia.
Neurriak: 45 x 29,5 x 2,2 cm
Ordainketa segurua
Txartelaren ordainketa ingurune seguru batean. -
Garraioa eta bidalketa
Tarifa eta garraio desberdinak, zure beharretara egokitzen direnak. -
Itzulera zerbitzua
7 eguneko epea duzu produktua itzultzeko.