REMEMBER® - the memory game. Your memory will be tested in a game that combines tension and a lot of fun.
Content: 44 picture pairs, playing card size: 5,6 x 5,6 cm
Box: high quality presentation box with a magnetic lid
Kontzentrazioaren eta trebetasun beharra dago joko azkar eta burutsu honetarako!
Hori dela eta, koluroa zilindro batzuetan pilatuta egongo litzateke, eta horiek pistatik atera beharko lirateke. Hala ere, Nothing wobble or slip, o it's the next player's turn! Great fun for children and helduak!
Produktuen xehetasunak:
4 years and over, for 2-4 players, 1 playing frame, 50 wood cylinders, 4 playin