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Price 10,00 €
Availability: 1 In Stock
29. Ekaia. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzi eta Teknologi Aldizkaria Vallejo Ruiz, Asier (zuz.) Ekaia Volumen/Número: 29 Materia: Ciencia; Ingeniería Páginas: 198 Fecha de edición: 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 0214-9001 Idioma: Euskara Tipo de edición: Rústica
Availability: 2 In Stock
DESCRIPTION The "small" one, hides endless possibilities. Here it is Cuban : its innovative and ergonomic shape will surprise you from the very first use. Dynamism and flexibility are the concepts that inspired the creation of this instrument, which, thanks to the Ethergraf tip, requires no ink or refills . Cuban was designed by Sergio Mori and handmade in Italy with fine wood recovery. DETAILS


Price 56,70 €
Availability: 6 In Stock
Neurria: 25 zm-ko diametroa Materialeak: wool mix jacquard circle bag with ykk zip closure, the diameter is 25 cm. it has black synthetic jersey lining inside and 3mm neoprene glued to external fabric


Price 119,95 €
Availability: 3 In Stock
Chaqueta Softshell de 3 capas - de alto rendimiento Exterior: 94% poliéster – 6% elastano (softshell tejido) - 340g/m² Membrana: Laminada y transpirable - cortaviento y impermeable Forro: Tejido micro-polar antipilling Impermeable: 5000mm Transpirable: 1000MVP
Availability: 1 In Stock
Material 100% Polypropylene Tamaño 55.0 x 40.0 x 20.0 cm (incluyendo asas, ruedas, deslizadores inferiores, bolsillos laterales y otros componentes externos) Volumen 33 L Peso 2.5 kg Cerradura TSA Cremalleras Sí Tirador Doble tubo Ruedas 4 ruedas Tipo de ruedas Ruedas Dobles
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