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Availability: 2 In Stock
Your ideas. Your thoughts. Your days. Your book.
The daily companion for all and everything! Our new DailyBook is a diary, organizer and sketch book in one. The four booklets – a sketch book, a diary, a calendar that can be written on, as well as a 4-year overview that includes a global map – offer the perfect space to record your daily thoughts, ideas, experiences and appointments. And not only
Availability: 9 In Stock
Organikoa, urarekin garbigarria, ganaria eramateko frogatua.
Availability: 5 In Stock
Katilua kirtenarekin, ontzi-garbigailuaan eta mikrouhin-labean, erabilgarri.
Materiala: portzelana fina hezurra
Neurriak: H 9,5 cm, Ø 7,9 cm
Edukiera: 350 ml
Availability: Out of stock
Puntos de página de papel removibles. Colores neón. 40 puntos de cada color: amarillo, naranja, rosa y verde. 50 x 20 mm.
Availability: 4 In Stock
In these large and decorative porcelain canisters food like pasta, flour, rice or coffee will feel absolutely well stored. The hermetic sealing of the bamboo lid completes this jar as a beautiful eyecatcher in your kitchen.
Material: Porcelain (food safe and dishwasher safe), lid made of massive bamboo wood.
Volume: ca. 1,25 liter
Hight: 16 cm, diameter: 12,5 cm
Availability: 3 In Stock
Doble pared aislada al vacio.
12 horas calor, 24 frío, no condensación.
Libre de BPA.
No retiene olores ni sabores.
Ligera y hermética.
Availability: Out of stock
Moyua plaza
Bilboko areatza
Bizkaiko Zubia
Sam Mames eta Tomatera
Ordainketa segurua
Txartelaren ordainketa ingurune seguru batean. -
Garraioa eta bidalketa
Tarifa eta garraio desberdinak, zure beharretara egokitzen direnak. -
Itzulera zerbitzua
7 eguneko epea duzu produktua itzultzeko.