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- Kategoriak: IDAZTEKOAK
Availability: 1 In Stock
With a precise mark like a pencil and an exclusive and elegant design, PRIMA is a writing instrument, that writes with no ink and no refill.
Prima is completely hand made in Italy and is designed by Sergio Mori the designer.
In 2012 a Prima prototype pen got a special mention at Grandesign Etico, an award dedicated to innovation and ethics in design projects.
Availability: 5 In Stock
Pen UNO is a sleek and super minimal all-aluminum pen available in different colors like space grey, gold, rose gold, red and black. It uses the Hi-Tec C Coleto gel ink cartridge which is widely available in a variety of colors and lineweights.
With only 5.3 mm in diameter, Pen UNO is one of the thinnest pens in production. The grip section is wider for a very comfortable writing experience and
Availability: 1 In Stock
Un portaminas recargable basado en la sustancia del lápiz: madera de cerezo, nogal,... grafito y un anillo de plata. Cómodo, ligero, intuitivo, fácil de utilizar y muy bonito. Medidas: 15cm. de largo y entre 6 y 11 mm. de diámetro. Peso: entre 6 y 8 gr. Minas de 2mm.
Availability: Out of stock
2 en 1 con mecanismo de giro, acero inoxidable satinado con recambio LAMY M 21negro, mina LAMY M 41 (0.5) y goma de borrar LAMY Z 15.
Availability: 24 In Stock
Estuche con 6 cartuchos color azul para estilográficas.
Availability: 7 In Stock
Bolígrafo negro, bolígrafo azul, bolígrafo rojo y portaminas.
Availability: 162 In Stock
P1 boligrafoa, bakterioen kontrakoa, tinta urdina. Boligrafo honek bakterio-hazkuntza inhibitzen eta prebenitzen du gorputz osoan, zilar-ioiei esker. Ezin hobea da eskolako, bulegoko, elikagaiekin kontaktuan dauden inguruneetako eta osasun-inguruneetako higienea hobetzeko.
Availability: Out of stock
Recambio Platignum tinta pluma para modelos Studio y Vibe. Tinta color azul. Blister de 6 uds.
Availability: 8 In Stock
In the wake of the Prima project created by Sergio Mori, it comes to life Primina, a small-size version revisited in color and shape by the creative studio IOOI, which has filled it with meaning using a polygon of nine color gradations. A young and witty mood, which associates to each paint a different emotion, making Primina the perfect tool to express one’s own personality or an ori
Availability: Out of stock
3 en 1 con mecanismo de giro, acero inoxidable satinado con recambio LAMY M 21 negro, mina LAMY M 41 (0.5), marcador LAMY M 55 naranja y goma de borrar LAMY Z 15.
Availability: 14 In Stock
Metalezko puntadun portaminak eta hodi gidari erretraktila. Heltzeko eremu ergonomiko berria, marraztu eta idazteko erosoagoa. Borragoma eta B graduazioko 3 meatze fin ditu. Trazu 07 mm.
Availability: 13 In Stock
Colores: Verde, amarillo, blanco, naranja, rosa, turquesa y azul.
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7 eguneko epea duzu produktua itzultzeko.