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Availability: 2 In Stock
The "small" one, hides endless possibilities.
Here it is Cuban : its innovative and ergonomic shape will surprise you from the very first use.
Dynamism and flexibility are the concepts that inspired the creation of this instrument, which, thanks to the Ethergraf tip, requires no ink or refills .
Cuban was designed by Sergio Mori and handmade in Italy with fine wood recovery.
Availability: 5 In Stock
Pen UNO is a sleek and super minimal all-aluminum pen available in different colors like space grey, gold, rose gold, red and black. It uses the Hi-Tec C Coleto gel ink cartridge which is widely available in a variety of colors and lineweights.
With only 5.3 mm in diameter, Pen UNO is one of the thinnest pens in production. The grip section is wider for a very comfortable writing experience and
Availability: 10 In Stock
recambio bolígrafo grosor M. Color NEGRO.
Availability: 7 In Stock
Portatodo de metal con 8 marcadores edding 3000 permanentes. Surtidos.
Availability: 3 In Stock
Convertidor para estilográfica Fine Writing y Grip
Availability: 108 In Stock
P07 Dry-gel boligrafoa. punta berriarekin eta arin sikatzen den tintaduna (base koipetsua).
Tinta kolore berdineko gorputz transluzidoa. 600metrotako idazkera. 0,7mm tako punta.
Boligrafo neurriak: 14,1 x 2,1 zm. 1 zm Ø.
Availability: Out of stock
25 Plastipastel de colores básicos, 2 de colores metalizados y 3 de colores fluo. Nueva fórmula: trazo más suave y cubriente.
Availability: 11 In Stock
Produktuaren xehetasunak:
Q-rekin bateragarriak diren telefono adimendun guztietarako egokia, karga-denbora zehatzak telefono adimendunaren eta korronte-egokigailuaren mende daude. Egokitasun hori telefono zelularraren ia kasu guztietarako da, eta gehienezko kasu-lodiera du. 5 mm (euskarri magnetikorik gabe, ez metalikorik), USB konexioa (1 m-ko kablea barne)
Materiala: Metala
Neurriak: Ø 10 zm, a
Availability: 1 In Stock
With a precise mark like a pencil and an exclusive and elegant design, PRIMA is a writing instrument, that writes with no ink and no refill.
Prima is completely hand made in Italy and is designed by Sergio Mori the designer.
In 2012 a Prima prototype pen got a special mention at Grandesign Etico, an award dedicated to innovation and ethics in design projects.
Availability: 41 In Stock
Aririk gabekoa.
PowerPoint aurkezpenak.
Aurrera - Atzera botoiak
Pila AAA/ R03 Barne
Ordainketa segurua
Txartelaren ordainketa ingurune seguru batean. -
Garraioa eta bidalketa
Tarifa eta garraio desberdinak, zure beharretara egokitzen direnak. -
Itzulera zerbitzua
7 eguneko epea duzu produktua itzultzeko.