Plastikozko botilak birziklatuta, produktuari bizitza berria emateaz gain eta lurrean edo itsasoan amaitzea saihesteaz gain, ondorengo industria-prozesuan %20 ur gutxiago kontsumitzen da, %50 energia gutxiago, eta %60 gutxiago kutsatzen da.
Polipropp malgu eta irristagaitzezko hesia, idazmahaia urratu eta orbanetatik babesteko. Vade garbigarria da eta idazteko erosotasun bikaina eskaintzen du. Kirten egokiari esker, erraz mugi daiteke pada. Neurriak: 60x40 cm Pisua: 150g
Ideal para la mayoría de las superficies (papel, cartón, vidrio, plástico, metal, piedra)
Después de la fijación en el horno a 160°C la entrada es impermeable (no a prueba de lavavajillas)
Tinta a base de agua
No sangra a través del papel
No se necesita bombeo ni agitación
Pluma de punta de 1,5 mm
Boutonniere is a simple but powerful item, thanks to its simplicity it can change a whole look.
Napkin wants to recover and reinterpret this symbol of style, creating the first writing accessory to wear.
Designed by Sergio Mori , thanks to the elegance of its metal body and its Ethergraf tip, that does not stain fabrics , BOUTONNIERE is an accessory designed to make its mark on every occasion .
- Inkless, no refill
- 100% Made in Italy
- Tip in Ethergraph (patented metal alloy)
- Made of magnesium with high mechanical strength and low weight
- Equipped with two side clips in brushed steel
- Complete with an ellipsoid aluminum desk base
- Length 16,1 cm
- Width 1,2 cm
- Weight 15 gr